The school health team consists of a registered school nurse (RN), Elizabeth Milliner, and a student health assistant (SHA), Cheryl Villarreal. They assist students when they come to the health room. They have alternating scheduled hours at each campus they serve. They provide basic care for illnesses, injuries and chronic medical conditions. If your child has a chronic medical condition such as asthma, seizure disorder, diabetes, or anaphylaxis, please contact the RN for a plan of care. The health room telephone number is 512-414-5318.
If you’re feeling sick...If you or your child are feeling sick, regardless of whether you are vaccinated or not, please stay home and contact your medical provider and campus as soon as possible.
If you test positive...Stay home and report their case by calling the school’s front office.After testing positive, you need to wait five days before returning to school (the day you tested positive is Day 0). Anyone who tested positive will need markedly improved symptoms and to be fever-free for 24 hours before returning. Students or staff who return to campus on the sixth day after a positive result will be required to mask for five more calendar days.
Medication at school
The health office does not stock any medications. If a medication needs to administered at school, an authorization for administration, available below, must be completed by the parent and physician and given to health office. All medications must be in the original, labeled container. Prescriptions must have the prescription label with the child's name, prescribing physician, dosing instructions, and current date. All medications must be picked up at school. It cannot be sent home with a child. Children cannot carry any medications during the school day.
Here are guidelines to follow in case of illness:
More details and scenarios are available in this pf document, when_to_keep_your_child_home_from_school.pdf
A child with a fever greater than 100 degrees will be required to be picked up from school. The child must be fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication before returning to school. If your child has a fever at home, please do not give them fever-reducing medication and send them to school.
If your child is vomiting or has diarrhea due to illness, please keep them at home. They need to be free of vomiting and diarrhea for 24 hours without the use of medication before they can return to school. If vomiting or diarrhea occurs at school, the health team will contact you. If vomiting or diarrhea continues at school, you will be asked to pick them up. Vomiting and diarrhea can be contagious.
Pink eye is a red eye with yellow or green discharge that is caused by a bacterial infection. It can last 4-7 days. This infection can be easily spread. Frequent hand washing is the most important method to control the infection. A child with an infection must stay home until the discharge is gone or you have a note from your doctor stating your child is under their care.
AISD follows the state protocols for addressing lice. Parents will be notified if live lice are found or nits are found. Students can remain at school. Children should be treated that night. Students can return to school the next day with documentation of treatment. We are no longer able to do "class checks" to identify who else might have lice. Boone does extensive cleaning in rooms where lice have been found. Treating lice is not only treating the child who has lice but is an extensive process of cleaning at home to eliminate the lice.